About us
Art in Poundbury Club, part of the Art in Poundbury Group aims to foster, promote and increase the knowledge, practice and appreciation of art in our local area - Dorchester, Poundbury and surrounding areas .
We hold regular workshops in life/portrait drawings as well as general workshop sessions in various media. We also run a summer plein air programme. If you are interested in joining in, please contact one of us.
Pam Philip pamphilip@btinternet.com
Judy Tate contact@artinpoundbury.co.uk
Thursday 21st November
Drawing session
Drawing session with David Roberts and Mike, who will be playing guitar and singing. BMOYC
More details to follow.
Rules and regulations - BROWNSWORD HALL, POUNDBURY
1. Doors open at 1.30 so that sessions can start promptly at 1.45pm and end at 4pm. This includes setting-up and clearing-away time. (some sessions will have to end by 3.45 in order to clear up)
2. No smoking allowed
3. Following art sessions, members will be responsible for leaving their station as they found it.
4. Members will be responsible for ensuring their own safety and the safety of their art equipment and personal belongings.
5. If using oil paints, please only use non-odour solvents.
6. Please use floor/table coverings if using oils, pastels, acrylics.
7. There is a Fire Escape between the kitchen and Ladies Toilet.
8. The main downstairs door will be bolted once all members have arrived, but easily unbolted in case of emergency.